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Based in Pensacola, Florida, Sands Tech AV is bringing the world of audiovisual to the southeastern region and beyond. We are growing fast, building a vast network, one connection at a time.

We work internally with partnering integration companies, act as their onsite representation, thus allowing your sales team to focus on what they do best.

We offer labor services for all things audiovisual. We focus on Federal, State, and Local Government work. We have experience and a track record of getting the job done from conference rooms, universities, music venues, concert halls, performing arts theatres, recording studios, video broadcast, control rooms, and sports areas.

We believe there is nothing that can't be accomplished with a great team, excellent gear, and a motivating leader like Dave Sands. Dave Sands is the eyes and the ears behind the operation. He has a unique ability to see the vision within a scope of work and the AV architect-like skillset to put together all the pieces to reach the project's fulfillment.

Your Onsite Tech Partners

Sands Tech AV are your techs on the floor - partnering up to take care of the installation process on site. 

Why Choose Sands Tech?

We believe there is nothing that can't be accomplished with a great team, excellent gear, and a motivating leader like Dave Sands. Dave Sands is the eyes and the ears behind the operation. He has a unique ability to see the vision within a scope of work and the AV architect-like skillset to put together all the pieces to reach the project's fulfillment.

Sands also has the ears to hear what our customers want and translate them into a masterpiece that our customers will be proud of. You can always find a company to get the job done, but call Sands Tech AV if you want the job done right.


Sands Tech AV provides labor services for all things audiovisual. We focus on Federal, State, and Local Government work. With the experience and a track record of getting the job done from conference rooms, universities, music venues, concert halls, performing arts theatres, recording studios, video broadcast, control rooms, and sports areas.

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